Selected Publications


  • Steinert, Y., Mann, K., Anderson, B., Barnett, B., Centeno, A., Naismith, L., Prideaux, D., Spencer, J., Tullo, E., Viggiano, T., Ward, H. and Dolmans, D. . Medical Teacher, 2016, 38(8): 769-86.Cruess, R.L., Cruess, S.R. and Steinert, Y. . Academic Medicine, 2016, 91(2), 180-185.
  • Cruess, R., Cruess, S. and Steinert Y. . Academic Medicine, 2018, 93(2):185-191.
  • Steinert, Y., O’Sullivan, P.S. and Irby, D.M. Strengthening teachers' professional identities through faculty development. Academic Medicine, 2019, 94(7), 963-968.
  • Buckley, H., Steinert, Y., Regehr, G. and Nimmons, L. When I Say… Community of Practice. Medical Education, 2019, 53(8), 763-765.
  • Steinert, Y. Faculty development: From rubies to oak. Medical Teacher, 2020, 42(4), 429-435.
  • Lewis, L.D. and Steinert, Y. Conceptual mapping of how culture is understood in faculty development: A scoping review. Academic Medicine, 2020, 95(2), 310-319.
  • Sternszus, R., Boudreau, J.D., Cruess, R.L., Cruess, S.R., Macdonald, M.E. and Steinert, Y. Clinical teachers’ perceptions of their role in professional identity formation. Academic Medicine, 2020, 95(10),1594-1599.
  • Horsley, T., Steinert, Y., Leslie, K., Oswald, A., Friesen, F. and Ellaway R. The use of BEME reviews in the medical education literature. Medical Teacher, 2020, 42(10),1171-1178.
  • Steinert, Y., Irby, D. and Dolmans, D. Reframing faculty development practice and research through the lens of adaptive expertise. Medical Teacher, 2021, 43(8), 865-867.
  • Wahid, M.H., Findyartini, A., Soemantri, D., Mustika, R., Felaza, E., Steinert, Y. and Samarasakera, D. Professional identity formation of medical teachers in a non-Western setting. Medical Teacher, 2021, 43(8),868-873.
  • Cohen, A., Steinert, Y. and Ruano, E. Teaching medical students to teach: A narrative review and literature-informed recommendations for student-as-teacher curricula. Academic Medicine, 2022, 97 (6), 909-922.
  • Mortaz-Hejri, S., Vyas, R., Burdick, W.P. and Steinert, Y. Understanding and embracing culture in international faculty development. Perspectives on Medical Education, 2023, 12(1): 1–11.
  • Steinert, Y., Nimmon, L. and Buckley, H. When I Don’t Say... Patients. Medical Education, 2023, 57(9),792-794.
  • Lewis, L. D. and Steinert, Y. Exploring the culture of faculty development: Insights from Canadian leaders of faculty development. CMEJ, 2023, 14(4): 15-24.
  • Sternszus, R., Khursigara Slattery, N., Cruess, R.L., ten Cate, O., Hamstra, S.J. and Steinert, Y. Contradictions and opportunities: Reconciling professional identity formation and competency-based medical education. Perspectives on Medical Education, 2023, 12(1),507-516.
  • Frija-Gruman, N.M., Steinert, Y., Macdonald, M.E. and Sun, N-Z. Learning through teaching: How physicians learn medicine in authentic clinical contexts. Academic Medicine, 2024. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005662.
  • Steinert, Y., Fontes, K., Mortaz-Hejri, S., Quaiattini, A. and Yousefi-Nooraie, R. Social network analysis in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education: A scoping review. Academic Medicine, 2024, 99(4),452-465.
  • Tackett, S., Steinert, Y., Mirabal, S., Reed, D. and Wright, S.M. Seeing with greater clarity: Stakeholder ratings of blind spots in U.S. medical education. Medical Teacher, 2024, 46(4), 580-583.
  • Steinert, Y., O’Sullivan, P.S. and Irby, D. The role of faculty development in advancing change at the organizational level. Academic Medicine, 2024, 99(7), 716-723.
  • Sternszus, R., Steinert, Y., Razack, S., Boudreau, D., Snell, L. and Cruess, R.L. Being, becoming and belonging: Reconceptualizing professional identity formation in medicine. Frontiers in Medicine, 2024.
  • Van Schalkwyk, S., Amaral, E., Anakin, M., Chen, R.... and Steinert, Y. Disentangling faculty development: A scoping review towards a rich description of the concept and its practice. Medical Teacher, 2024. DOI:
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