Running WEB Reports
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Integrated Budget and Finance Reports can be used throughout the fiscal year to monitor and reconcile departmental operating budgets.
These reports are most helpful if you need to compare budgets with actuals (salary or non-salary).
Log-In instructions for running these reports is available on the Running Web & Crystal Reports page.
Crystal Reports software is not required to run the web report templates.
Integrated Budget & Finance
Monthly Fund Summary by Account (Perm & Temp) CRYSTAL Report
Description and Prompting Query Fields
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Displays a summary of all transactions (budget components, year to date activity (YTD) and encumbrances) by account code, in the specified fiscal year and up to the specified period, for account codes within the queried 1A or 1B type fund. Has drill down capabilities to view transaction details by account code.
Prompting Query Fields:
- Fiscal year
- Fiscal period
- Fund code
Description and Prompting Query Fields
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Lists total Budgets, Year to Date activity (YTD) and total salary encumbrances of individuals within the queried FUND or ORG, 1A or 1B fund type, and Single or Pooled position type.
Prompting Query Fields:
-Fiscal Year
- Fund Type (1A or 1B)
- Level (ORG levels 2, 3 or 4, or FUND level)
- ORG code or FUND code
- Position Type (Single or Pooled)
View Information [for Crystal Report]:
View: FG.Salaries.With.Budget
Description and Prompting Query Fields
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Lists total Budgets, Year to Date (YTD) activity, and Total Salary Encumbrances for individuals within the queried FUND or ORG, 1A or 1B fund type, including both Single and Pooled position types. The output is easily exportable to MS Excel.
Prompting Query Fields:
-Fiscal Year
- Fund Type (1A or 1B)
- Level (ORG levels 2, 3 or 4, or FUND level)
- ORG code or FUND code
Description and Prompting Query Fields
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Provides an overview of budget components, Year to Date Activity (YTD) and salary encumbrances for salary account codes within the queried Faculty/Unit level Org.
Prompting Query Fields:
- Fund type (ex: 1A)
- Fiscal year
- Faculty/ Unit Org code
View Information [for Crystal Report]:
View: FG.Salaries.With.Budget
Quarterly Variance Analysis CRYSTAL Report
Description and Prompting Query Fields
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This report is intended for users with faculty, department or unit level financial responsibilities, and therefore having query access to all 1A type funds within a given organization code. The report is used for queries comparing two fiscal years.
Prompting Query Fields:
-Current Fiscal year
- Prior Fiscal Year
- Current Year Fiscal Quarter
- Prior Year Fiscal Quarter
- Org code
- Org level