BSE Awardees

These research projects are funded thanks to a generous donation from Marie and Marc Bieler.

Marie and Marc Bieler
Marie and Marc Bieler

BURA (Bieler Undergraduate Research Awards) Recipients

•Madeleine Aucoin (U3, Environment – Water Environments and Ecosystems Domain – Biological, Minor Biology; supervisor Irene Gregory-Eaves) Tracking mosquito community assemblages with environmental DNA

•Cameron Davies (U4,Bachelor of Science Major Environment Minor Geography; supervisor Bernard Lehner) Global assessment of the extent and representativeness of inland waters under protection

•Elyse Dyck (U4 Bachelor of Science Major Environment; supervisor Christie Lovat) Impact of interspecific competition on survivorship of coral transplants in Mahahual, Mexico; supervisor

•Annelies Koch-Shulte (U3,Bachelor of Science Sustainability Science & Society; supervisor  Amy Janzwoood)  Analyzing the adaptation and influence of climate movements after the Paris Agreement

•Lauren O’Farrell (U2 Bachelor of Arts and Science Environment, Minor Biology; supervisor   Frederic Fabry) Advancing Ecosystem Research Through Next-Generation Trait Measurements

•Cate Paterson (U4 Bachelor of Science Major Environment - Environmetrics; supervisor   Lars Iverson) Contrasting the number of broken records of minimum and maximum temperatures to better communicate climate change

•Cassidy Pistun (U4, Bachelor of Scince Environment Biodiversity and Conservation); supervisor Elena Bennett) Assess the relationships between accessibility of water and people’s attitudes towards water

•Leia Swayze (U3, Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Sustainble Science & Society Minor Gender Studies; supervisor Jessica Gillung) Spatial and seasonal variation in the abundance of the black legged tick at a nature reserve

•Léa Vadez (U3, Bachelor of Arts Environment & Development, Minor Statistics; supervisor   Kevin Manaugh) Understanding the adoption of e-bikes in Quebec

•Sydney Xiong (U2, Bachelor of Arts Environment & Economics; supervisor Raja Sengupta) Using Citizen-Science data to elucidate the relationship between Urban Heat Island variations in Montreal and the presence of green spaces

BELF (Bieler School of Environment Experiential Learning Fund) Award Recipients

•Cassandra Ciafro (U3, BSc Major Environment) Movement Ecology Study of Tufted Puffins in the Gulf of Alaska

•Gong Shiqing (Doctor of Philosophy) attend STRN/NEST Method School: Transformative Research Unlocked

•Ben Stroll (U2, Major Environment) oceanography at the Takata Research Center

•Elyse Dyck (PHd Philosophy) Impact of Snails and Damselfish on Outplanted Coral Survival in Mahahual, Mexico

•Cameron Davies (U3, Honours Environment) Evaluating Soil Microbial Activity under Differing Agricultural Productions in Southwestern Quebec

•Veronica Groves (U3, PHd Biology) Chemical information as a conservation tool for understanding impacts of the invasive and predatory Nile Perch on native fishes

•Sophia Richardson (Master’s, Education & Society) Developing Environmental Food Literacy Through an Illustrated Picture Book

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