
Natallia Liakina

Academic title(s): 

Senior Faculty Lecturer

Natallia Liakina
Contact Information
Email address: 
natallia.liakina [at] mcgill.ca
514 398-4172 ext. 00033
Ferrier 450
Teaching areas: 

Course Coordinator for FRSL 104, 407 and 408


B.A. in Linguistics, Minsk State Linguistic University.
B.Ed. in Foreign Language Didactics, Minsk State Linguistic University.
M.A. in Applied Linguistics, University of Western Ontario

Cerified evaluator forTest de Connaissance du Français (TCF)


Natallia Liakina received her Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics at the University of Western Ontario in 1999. Her professional experience includes teaching French as a second language at the university level in Ontario and in Quebec. Since 2006, she has taught at the French Language Centre at ˴Ƭ University. Her current research is focused on corrective phonetics and the impact of new technologies on second language teaching and learning both in the classroom and in computer lab settings. As part of her work at ˴Ƭ, she has given FSL classes at all levels and developed educational materials for her courses.

Areas of interest: 

  • Corrective Phonetics
  • Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
  • L2 acquisition mediated by mobile technologies
  • Development of oral skills in L2
  • Sociolinguistics
Selected publications: 

Research Projects

  • The Virtual Phonetics Clinic: Meeting the oral communication needs of French second language learners beyond the classroom
    Principal investigator

  • Use of Mobile Technology for Teaching Second Language Pronunciation
    In collaboration withD. Liakin, and W. Cardoso, Concordia University


Conseil de recherches en sciences sociales et humaines (CRSH). Subvention Savoir. 2018-2020.L’utilisation de la technologie mobile dans l'enseignement de la phonétique corrective(54 969 $). Co-investigator with Denis Liakin (Principal Investigator) andWalcir Cardoso, Concordia University.

Educational materials: books, coursepacks, workbooks, online materials

Liakin D., Liakina N., Michaud G., Olivry F. (2019). Tendances Niveau C1/C2, méthode de français, [1 textbook and 1 DVD]. Paris : CLE International.

Girardet J., Pécheur J., Olivry F., Liakin D., Liakina N., Boivin H. (2015). Écho A2, méthode de français pour l'Amérique du Nord. [1 textbook and 1 audio CD]. Paris : CLE International.

Girardet J., Pécheur J., Olivry F., Liakin D., Liakina N., Boivin H. (2015). Écho A2, méthode de français pour l'Amérique du Nord, cahier personnel d'apprentissage. [Student Activities Workbook]. Paris : CLE International.

Girardet J., Gibbe C., Olivry F., Liakin D., Liakina N., Boivin H. (2015). Écho A2, méthode de français pour l'Amérique du Nord. [Instructor' Resource Manual]. Paris : CLE International.

Gibbe, C., Girardet, J., Liakin, D., Liakina, N., Olivry, F., et Pecheur, J. (2014). Écho A1, méthode de français pour l'Amérique du Nord. [1 textbook and 1 audio CD]. Paris : CLE International.

Girardet, J., Liakin, D., Liakina, N., Olivry, F., et Pecheur, J. (2014). Écho A1, méthode de français pour l'Amérique du Nord. [Student Activities Workbook]. Paris : CLE International.

Callet, S., Gibbe, C., Girardet, J., Liakin, D., Liakina, N., et Olivry, F. (2014). Écho A1, méthode de français pour l'Amérique du Nord. [Instructor's Resource Manual]. Paris : CLE International.

Liakina, N. (2012).Des sons aux énoncés: phonétique corrective, compréhension et expression orales – Niveaux débutant et élémentaire. Coursepack for FRSL 104 Corrective French Pronunciation & programme for lab practice (Can8). Montreal: ˴Ƭ University, 2012. 186 pages.

Liakina, N. et Poulin-Mignault, H. (2011).Français oral: compréhension et expression – Niveau avancé. Coursepack for FRSL 407. Montreal: ˴Ƭ University, 2011. 206 pages.

Articles in scholarly refereed journals

Liakina, N. andMichaud, G. (2018). Needs analyses for task-based curriculum design: How useful can it be for general purpose L2 courses?Nouvelle Revue Synergies Canada, No.11. Numéro thématique « La didactique des langues secondes: de la théorie à la pratique, vol. II/Second Language Pedagogies: From Theory to Practice », vol. II, 12.

Liakin, D., Cardoso, W. andLiakina, N.(2017). Mobilizing Instruction in a Second-Language Context: Learners’ Perceptions of Two Speech Technologies.Languages, vol. 2, No. 3, 11.

Liakin, D., Cardoso, W. andLiakina, N.(2017). The pedagogical use of mobile speech synthesis (TTS): focus on French liaison.Computer Assisted Language Learning, vol. 30, No 3-4, 348-365.

Liakin, D., Cardoso, W. andLiakina, N.(2015). Learning L2 pronunciation with a mobile speech recognizer: French /y/.CALICO Journal, vol. 32, No 1, 1-25.

Liakin, D., Cardoso, W. andLiakina, N.(2013). Mobile Speech Recognition Software: A Tool for Teaching Second Language Pronunciation.Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute(OLBI) Working Papers. Special issue “Innovative practices in computer assisted language learning (CALL)”Vol. 5: 85-99.

De Serres, Linda andLiakina, N.(2011).Le français québécois parlé familier sait-il séduire? Réflexions et applications pédagogiques pour la classe de FLE/FLS.French Review.Special Issue "Quebec", vol. 84, n° 6, 1141-1160.

De Serres, L. andLiakina, N.(2010). La grande séduction pour le français parlé québécois: comment ne pas manquer le bateau ? Synergies Canada.Special Issue « Les documents authentiques», n° 2.

Conference Proceedings

Liakin, D.; Cardoso, W.; Waddington, D. andLiakina, N.(2018). Aucune anomalie détectéé ! Practice your French while piloting a spaceship. In Taalas, Peppi; Jalkanen, Juha ; Bradley, Linda; Thouësny, Sylvie (Eds),Future-proof CALL: language learning as exploration and encounters – short papers from EUROCALL 2018(pp. 165-170). .

Liakin, D., Cardoso W. andLiakina,N. (2013). An Innovative Mobile-assisted Learning in the second languageclassroom.International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science, 8/2, 58-65.

Liakin, D., Cardoso W. andLiakina,N. (2012). An Innovative Use of Mobile Technology for Teaching SecondLanguage Pronunciation.Proceedings of4th International Conference on Education and New LearningTechnologies,Barcelona,4501-4510.

Liakina, N.(2007). Sur l’acquisition et l’apprentissage des locutions idiomatiques en langue seconde.Linguistic Theories and Foreign Language Teaching Methods, Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute Press, Taganrog, Russie, vol. 2, 177-188.

Selected talks and presentations: 

Invited Lectures

Automated Corrective Feedback in the Context of ASR-supported Pronunciation Training: how effective can it be?
Invited talk (1 hour)
Co-presenter: Denis Liakin, Concordia University
Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) Research Forum, University of Ottawa
October 18, 2018

Correction phonétique : vers un enseignement pratique de la prononciation
Workshop (3 hours) for FSL instructors
Professional development day, the Canadian Forces Language School, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu
November 18, 2015

Perspective actionnelle : stimuler les interactions en français langue seconde
TWO workshops (1.5 hours)
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin, Fabien Olivry, Concordia University
XXIIIe Journée CLE Formation « Enseigner le français dans le contexte québécois : défis, approches et perspectives », ˴Ƭ University, Montreal
October 29, 2015

Enseigner l'oral dans une perspective actionnelle : quelques pistes pour stimuler les interactions au niveau A1
TWO workshops (1.5 hours)
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin, Fabien Olivry, Concordia University
XXIIe Journée CLE Formation « Enseigner le français au Canada », Toronto
May 22, 2015

Correction phonétique : de la théorie à la pratique
Workshop (3 hours) for FSL instructors
Professional development day, the Canadian Forces Language School, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu
February 16, 2015

Meeting the oral communication needs of L2 learners beyond the classroom: can mobile technology help?
Co-presenter: Denis Liakin, Concordia University
Department of Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures, California State University Long Beach
October 30, 2014

Planning a Group Activity: Are Your Goals S.M.A.R.T?
A Graduate Student Workshop: Practical Approaches to Teaching Language II
Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, ˴Ƭ University, Montreal
March 14, 2013

Enseigner le français langue seconde en milieu universitaire.
Centre d’enseignement du français: son fonctionnement, ses programmes et ses projetsnovateurs.

French Department, Glendon College, York University, Toronto
April 9, 2011

La phonétique corrective: comment soutenir l’apprenant ?
Conference (3 hours) for future French teachers
CourseDLA1018Introduction à la didactique des langues, secondes ou étrangères,le programme de baccalauréat en études françaises du Département de lettres et communication sociale, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Trois-Rivières
December 6, 2010

De la culture source à la culture cible. Le chemin passe-t-il par uneinterculture?
9ecolloque de l’Association française d’éducation comparée et des échanges (AFDECE), Montreal
October 16, 2010

Réussir en phonétique corrective?Oui, c’est possible!
Co-presenter: Marion Vergues, ˴Ƭ University
Workshop (3 hours) for FSL teachers
Centre Champlain, Sherbrooke
April 9, 2009

La phonétique, ça s’apprivoise !
Co-presenter: Marion Vergues, ˴Ƭ University
Workshop (3 hours) for FSL teachers
Centre Champlain, Sherbrooke
Novembre 14, 2008

La phonétique, ça s’apprivoise !
36e Conférence pédagogique annuelle des Éducatrices et éducateurs francophones du Manitoba (ÉFM), Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg
Novembre 27, 2008

La phonétique, ça s’apprivoise !
Co-presenter: Marion Vergues, ˴Ƭ University
Workshop (6 hours) for FSL teachers
Centre Saint-Michel, Sherbrooke
December 7, 2007

Conference presentations, workshops, panel discussions

The effects of different instructional variables on the acquisition of grammatical gender by second language learners of French
Co-presenter: Andrew Lee, Roy Lyster, ˴Ƭ University
37th Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) On the Contribution of Cognitive Science to Second Language Research, UQAM, Montreal
October 27, 2018

Aucune anomalie détectéé ! Practice your French while piloting a spaceship.
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin, Walcir Cardoso, David Waddington, Concordia University.
EUROCALL 2018, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
August 25, 2018

Technologie de la parole pour l’apprentissage de la prononciation: pourquoi, quand et comment les intégrer en classe de langue ?
Co-presenter: Denis Liakin, Concordia University
7th International Conference on Second Language Pedagogies, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
June 25, 2018

Exploring Learner Perceptions of Instantaneous Corrective Feedback in the Context of ASR-supported Pronunciation Training
Co-presenter: Denis Liakin, Concordia University
CALICO Conference 2018 Connecting CALL’s past to itst Future, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
June 1st, 2018

Astronautes FLS: A digital game for L2 French learners
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin, Walcir Cardoso, David Waddington, Concordia University
AAAL Conference 2018, Chicago, USA
March 24, 2018

Mobilizing Instruction in a Second Language Context: Focus on French Pronunciation
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin, Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
CALICO Conference 2017 Multilingualism and Digital Literacies, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, USA
May 18th, 2017

Curriculum Design: Integrating Authentic Tasks to Stimulate Meaningful Interactions in an Advanced Level Course
Co-presenter: Gabriel Michaud, ˴Ƭ University
6th International Conference on Second Language Pedagogies (SLPC6), ˴Ƭ University, Montreal
Avril 27th, 2017

Towards a Task-Based Curriculum: One step at a time
Co-presenter: Gabriel Michaud, ˴Ƭ University
TBLT Conference Tasks in context, University of Barcelona
April 20th, 2017

Applications pour l'apprentissage de la prononciation du français :
quel impact ? quel potentiel ?

Co-presenter: Denis Liakin, Concordia University
XIVe Congrès mondial de la Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français (FIPF)
Université de Liège, Belgium
July 19, 2016

Perspective actionnelle : stimuler les interactions orales aux niveaux A1-A2 avec la méthode Écho pour l'Amérique du Nord
Co-presenters : Denis Liakin, Fabien Olivry, Concordia University
Ontario Modern Languages Teachers Association (OMLTA) Spring Conference, Toronto
Avril 1-2, 2016

Outils du Web 2.0 et applications mobiles pour l’apprentissage de la prononciation : quel potentiel ?
Co-presenter: Denis Liakin, Concordia University
4e Colloque international sur l'enseignement du français langue étrangère, Universidad de Puerto Rico
February 25-28, 2016

Linguistics and education: new technologies in second language teaching
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin and Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
60th Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York
April 24-26, 2015

Learning L2 pronunciation with a mobile speech synthesizer
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin and Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
Research Challenges in CALL, 16thInternational Conference, LINGUAPOLIS, Institute for Language and Communication at the University of Antwerp, Anvers
July 7-9, 2014

Comment peut-on aider un apprenant de niveau A2 à maîtriser la liaison obligatoire en français?
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin and Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
International Conference on New Horizons in Education, Paris
June 25-27, 2014

La synthèse vocale pour l'enseignement de la prononciation en langue seconde
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin and Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
82e Congrès de l'Acfas, Concordia University, Montreal
May 12-14, 2014

La synthèse vocale, la technologie mobile et l’acquisition de la liaison
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin and Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
3èmecolloque international sur l’enseignement du français langue étrangère,Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan
February 27 – March 1st, 2014

Mobile-assisted learning in the second language classroom
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin and Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
2nd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction & Learning Technologies (ICHCILT 2013), Abu Dhabi
March 6, 2013

La technologie mobile et l'enseignement de la phonétique corrective
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin and Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
Workshop, Study day « Langue, Traduction et Littérature », Department of French Studies, Concordia University, Montreal
November 2, 2012

An Innovative Use of Mobile Technology for Teaching Second Language Pronunciation
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin and Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
4th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona
July 3, 2012

Learning second language pronunciation: Can automatic speech recognition help?
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin and Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
Learning without boundaries? STLHE 32nd Annual Conference, Montreal
June 2012

Mobile Speech Recognition: A tool for Teaching Second Language Pronunciation
Co-presenters: Denis Liakin and Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
Innovative Practices in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), University of Ottawa
April 2012

Vers un enseignement pratique de la prononciation
2e Colloque international sur l’enseignement du français langue étrangère, San Juan, Porto Rico
February 29, 2012

Des sons aux énoncés:la phonétique en contexte
Study Day of the French Language Centre, ˴Ƭ University, Montreal
May 24, 2011

iMagination dans un cours de français oral
24eCongrès mondial du Conseil international d’études francophones (CIÉF), Montreal
June 30, 2010

Les films : document authentique pour apprivoiser et comparer une langue française parlée colorée
Co-presenter: Linda de Serres, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Colloque de l’Association des professeurs de français des universités et des collèges canadiens (APFUCC), Concordia University, Montreal
May 30, 2010

Améliorer l’expression orale des apprenants de français langue seconde : regards sur l’apprentissage et l’acquisition de la prononciation
Workshop(6 hours)
Co-presenter: Marion Vergues, ˴Ƭ University
30econgrès de l’association québécoise des enseignants de français langue seconde (AQEFLS), UQAM, Montreal
April 30, 2010

Interagir efficacement avec tout le monde : exposition aux registres de langue dans un cours de compréhension et d’expression orales
Colloque de l’Association des professeurs de français des universités et des collèges canadiens (APFUCC). Congrès de la Fédération des sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa
May 23, 2009

De la salle de classeà la clinique virtuelle de phonétique : activités de prononciation adaptéesaux besoins des étudiants du CEFA
Co-presenter: Marion Vergues, ˴Ƭ University
Study Day, English and French Language Centre, ˴Ƭ University, Montreal
March 6, 2008

Vers un enseignement pratique des variations linguistiques
Teaching Adults Foreign Languages in the System of Higher and Postgraduate Education - Developing Foreign Language Competence, International Conference, Minsk State Linguistic University,Minsk, Belarus
March 2008

Réussir en phonétique corrective?Oui, c’est possible!
Co-presenter: Marion Vergues, ˴Ƭ Univesrity
Workshop (3 hours)
29econgrès de l’association québécoise des enseignants de français langue seconde (AQEFLS), UQAM, Montreal
May 2008

Sur l’acquisition et l’apprentissage des locutions idiomatiques en langue seconde.
Linguistic Theories and Foreign Language Teaching Methods, International Conference, Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, Taganrog, Russia
June 2007

La phonétique, ça s’apprivoise!
Co-presenter: Marion Vergues, ˴Ƭ University
Workshop (3 hours)
8econgrès de l’association québécoise des enseignants de français langue seconde (AQEFLS),
UQAM, Montreal
May 2007

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